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Scent Rope

Scent Rope

Deer Creek Ranch's 'Scent Rope' is specifically made with all-natural hemp fibers. None of our hemp ropes are treated with any chemicals which helps to allow for maximum scent absorbtion, rope durability, and overall effectiveness in deer scent communication. Many synthetic ropes like Polyester, Manilla, and Nylon are susceptable to breaking down quicker in the elements, and are chemically treated which reduces the ability to absorb scent as well when compared to natural hemp fibers. 


Deer Creek Ranch's 'Scent Rope' is packaged as a single 5-foot long, 1-inch diameter rope with heavy duty heat shrink applied to the scent end. This allows for easy scent application, but prevents the rope from excessive fraying leading to increased longevity with no maintenance after installation. Depending on your scent rope location and setup, the 'Scent Rope' can be cut and utilized as two separate scent ropes if desired. 


We have noticed that scent ropes will draw in bucks, does and even fawns, to use the scent ropes. Even though licking branches and vine scrapes are effective, scent ropes outperformed both of them when performing a camera study on a local property. 


Are you legally allowed to bait deer in your state? Baiting in many states has become illegal, so scent ropes have become a popular tactic to help hunters legally collect deer inventories on their property without the aid of bait. Placing a scent rope at or near water holes, travel cordidors, and pinch points can also increase their success.


Beside monitoring deer inventories and movement, another tactic that has been used with great success is to place a scent rope within bowshot of your tree stand. This works well for getting deer to stop naturally while you prepare to take a shot at your predetermined location. When done properly, a deer should not be alerted to the impending shot which creates an ideal shooting opportunity.


Scent ropes are a great tool to have to learn about bucks that are in the area, and the timing of their visit. Deer will treat a scent rope similarly to a dog checking a fire hydrant - as a form of communication amongst one another to mark their territory and to know who's in the area. 


Add a bottle of Deer Creek Preorbital Gland Scent to add realism to your scent rope. Draw in mature bucks to investigate who has been intruding on their territory!


Deer Creek Preorbital Gland Scent contains extracted forehead, tearduct, ear gland & wax, mouth, and lip saliva to help attract even the wariest of mature bucks to your scent rope, or licking branch!

  • Directions

    There are endless ways to install a scent rope. The key is that you install them so they last several years without any maintenance - the less human interaction, the better! The following is one method that has worked the best for us!


    Step 1: Locate an area where deer will naturally want to be. (Example: food plots, access trails, corridors, etc.)


    Step 2: Using the provided nitrile gloves, remove the Scent Rope from the packaging. Tie one end of the provided plastic coated wire below the knot on the Scent Rope. (This will prevent the rope from being pulled off the branch when deer display aggressive behavior.)


    Step 3: Tie the other end of the plastic coated wire to a sturdy branch that can support the added weight of the Scent Rope. The Scent Rope should be suspended approximately 3' to 4' off the ground. (Be sure to leave room for the branch to grow to minimize stress on the wire.)


    Step 4: Clear a 2' to 3' diameter area in the soil below the Scent Rope to initiate deer scaping activity.


    Step 5: Apply your favorite pre-orbital gland scent to the frayed end of the Scent Rope. (We recommend Smokey's "Wicked Wicks" pre-orbital gland scent for application on the Scent Rope and "Wags" scents for applying in the scrape during the fall.

  • What’s Included

    • 5-feet of 1-inch diameter all-natural, non-chemically treated hemp rope
    • 1-pair of nitrile gloves to minimize human scent during installation
    • 24-inches of plastic coated wire for scent rope installation
    • Installation instructions
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